Madison Pittman

By Hannah Ferguson

Madison joined Clean Hands – Safe Hands in 2017 in a sales and marketing operations role. She has since been using her background in Sales Ops to use data to pinpoint optimal strategy for revenue generation. As VP of Revenue she is responsible for the sales and marketing teams and ensuring that company efforts align with revenue goals. She works with peers across departments to capture customer experience and create processes to generate growth. Madison holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business – Management of Information Systems from Georgia Institute of Technology.

What to Expect in Healthcare in 2023

Challenges are ahead for hospitals and healthcare systems in 2023. That’s...

Hand Hygiene Compliance Rates Aren’t as Important as You Think

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Addressing Inequities in Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)

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6 Strategies to Boost Nurse Retention

Nurse retention is key to meeting clinical demand in an era of pervasive wo...
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