Introducing Performance Bubble Plots™

By Clean Hands - Safe Hands

Our new suite of data visualization tools provides unprecedented insights to Infection Preventionists and hospital managers, and allows them to quickly identify the most efficient path to hand hygiene improvement.

This week, we’ll show you how you can see, at a glance, the highest risk by individual. Next week, we’ll show you how you can quickly identify the highest risk by hospital room or patient condition.

Performance Bubble Plots™

Performance Bubble Plots help managers quickly and easily identify clinicians who are struggling with hand hygiene. They also allow supervisors to separate clinicians with more hand hygiene opportunities from those with fewer opportunities. This allows managers to focus their educational efforts on the clinicians that have a high number of hand hygiene opportunities (and the potential to impact more patients), which is the most efficient path to improvement.

How They Work:

In the Performance Bubble Plots below, each circle represents a badged clinician. The size of the circle indicates the number of missed hand hygiene opportunities (larger circles = more missed opportunities). The color of the circle indicates performance (darker green = higher performance; darker red = lower performance). If desired, managers can click on any circle to view the clinician’s name.

Below is a representation of a Clean Hands – Safe Hands hospital partners’ performance before and after our Real-Time Voice Reminder™ was enabled.

Performance Bubble Plot

With this visual representation, managers can quickly identify the staff members who are struggling and have numerous hand hygiene opportunities, making it easy to focus on those that need the most help. We can even help identify if it’s an education or workflow issue that needs to be addressed.

These data visualization tools are new to the market and only available from Clean Hands – Safe Hands. For more information, or to schedule a demo of our electronic hand hygiene reminder system, contact us.


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