The Full Spectrum of Hand Hygiene Technology Options

By Clean Hands - Safe Hands

Electronic hand hygiene reminder systems aren’t a “one size fits all” solution. Different approaches are appropriate for different healthcare organizations. We believe we’re the only provider with the flexibility to offer the full spectrum of hand hygiene technology options. Here are three different approaches:

  • Group (unbadged): If your focus is on measuring the performance of hospital staff as a whole, without having them wear a special badge reel, then this is the option for you. A group solution replaces direct observation – it gathers virtually 100% of hand hygiene opportunities without any human biases or errors.
  • Individual Anonymous: Here, again, you’ll be able to gather more and better data through technology. This time, the data gets more granular – down to the individual level. Each clinician remains anonymous.
  • Individual: This is the most popular option, which includes our Real-Time Voice Reminder™ and other “in the moment” interventions to improve performance. Individuals can be identified in order to support those that may need hand hygiene education or help with workflow issues.

Depending on your healthcare organization’s needs and budget, we can design a solution that works for you. And if your needs change, that’s okay – we can easily upgrade or downgrade at any time without pulling any dispensers off the wall, going through procurement, or adding any bureaucratic delays.

If you’d like to explore how our system typically doubles hand hygiene performance rates…and has reduced HAIs by between 45% and 81% in 100% of customers following our process for 6 months…here’s a brief video about how it works. Or here’s a white paper about The 4 Data Points You Need To Reduce HAIs.


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