
We have yet to meet an underworked clinician. Nurses, physicians, technicians…they’re all extremely busy and hardworking people. They’re also extremely compassionate people that want the best for their patients.

The vast majority of clinicians understand the link between hand hygiene and healthcare-associated infections, and they know how important hand hygiene is. But in the daily rush in and out of patient rooms, they can sometimes forget to clean their hands every time.

The Clean Hands – Safe Hands system helps solve this problem with a gentle Real-Time Voice Reminder™ that only sounds when you forget to sanitize. It’s supportive as opposed to punitive, and has contributed to HAIs declining by 72% – 81%.

Staff acceptance among clinicians at our hospital partners is high, since our technology and process make it easy to improve your hand hygiene performance. Ultimately, this keeps patients – as well as you and your family – safer.

Contact us to find out if we can help improve hand hygiene and reduce HAIs in your hospital.

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