Saving Nearly $10 Million a Year

By Clean Hands - Safe Hands

Last week, we released new data showing that, in our ten most recent hospital installations, healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) decreased by an average of over 60% in six months. There were declines in each type of HAI as well. While this is certainly exciting and rewarding news, what has the impact been on these particular hospitals?

First, there’s an obvious, and positive, financial impact. The direct costs alone from preventing these 372 HAIs translates into a savings for these hospitals of $9,550,071 each year.

HAI Reduction Cost Savings

This doesn’t include any readmission penalties, HAC list penalties, the cost of extra time required for providers to care for HAI patients, nor the increase in length of stay. The total cost savings is much higher.

Next week, we’ll talk about the impact on patients of reducing HAIs.

If you’d like to learn more about how our electronic hand hygiene reminder system decreases HAIs by over 60% on average, leading to the above results, download our free white paper now. Or contact us so we can discuss your hospital’s specific needs.


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